January 2022
I have received a Tecniospring Industry grant , part of the European Commission Marie-Sklodwska Curie Actions. The grant will support my work to develop a product for the early detection of cognitive decline at Starlab.
I have received a Tecniospring Industry grant , part of the European Commission Marie-Sklodwska Curie Actions. The grant will support my work to develop a product for the early detection of cognitive decline at Starlab.
After a spell working as data scientist for the UK Ofsted, I am starting a position as Senior Researcher at Starlab, Barcelona . Starlab is a small company developing new technologies for brain health based on EEG... I am looking forward to learn about the industry ways!
As the Covid-19 pandemic hit and my contract at the University of Bristol ended, I found myself at home, most of the time with the whole family given the long UK school closure and repeated lockdowns. I decided to give a go at freelancing and registered CosyData as my little business for research and data consultancy. I obtained some little consultancy projects for EEG data analysis and research software development.
I started a Senior Research Associate position in the Tobacco and Alcohol Research Group in the department of Psychological Science at Bristol University.
I am hosting an international workshop on micro-phenomenology at Plymouth University. Pioneering researcher Claire Petitmengin will give a seminar to present micro-phenomenology to Plymouth Cognition Institute !
Our paper showing showing the effect of hypnotic analgesia on empathic brain processes has been published !
I wrote a review article on the connections between meditation, hypnosis and mental imagery that appears in the special issue on altered states of consciousness of the french cognitive science journal Intellectica .
A good start of the year, the first paper using the data we acquiered in India during my PhD is published ! We are comparing the EEG spectrum activity of practitioners from three meditation traditions and a control group and show meditators have higher power in the high gamma range than controls. We are also analysing activity of clusters of artefactual independant components to control the validity of our data.
We printed and assembled the Open BCI EEG headset ! I am going to use for outreach activities in schools and at university
An error has been found in figure 2 of my 2011 Neuroimage paper Lost in thoughts: Neural markers of low alertness during mind wandering . There is a typo in the ERP's legend in the upper panel and as a result the legend is inverted between the mind-wandering and breath focus conditions - pretty amazed that it took 5 years to be noticed ! Thanks to Shoichi Asaoka for pointing it out to me. The journal has been contacted in October 2016 to request a correction, but in the meantime you can download the corrected version of the figure here !
I have been selected to participate in the Neuroscience School of Advanced Studies week-long course on Consciousness !
After a parental leave I am now back to work with my new project on mental imagery, with Giorgio Ganis at the University of Plymouth!
I've been awarded a Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellowship to work on an EEG-TMS project on the neurophenomenology of mental imagery with Giorgio Ganis at the University of Plymouth.